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"Living Hope is a praying church!

We have a Spirit-filled prayer ministry with an active prayer team that serves and ministers to others in prayer. Our prayer team members cover each service in prayer during pre-service prayer times. Prayer team members also serve and minister to those who come forward for prayer during the altar response time at the conclusion of each service. Many of our prayer team members are also available to pray for individuals desiring prayer.  

As part of our prayer ministry, we also have an active email prayer chain for prayer requests from the body of Living Hope Church. Prayer requests may also be submitted by clicking the ‘submit’ button at the bottom of this page. 

Our LHC Prayer Team hosts a Wednesday night prayer group in the House of Prayer from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM each Wednesday night. All are welcome to come and pray and to receive prayer. 

We also have prayer each Wednesday at noon in the House of Prayer. All are welcome. 

Angela Patterson

Director of Prayer Ministry

The Vision of LHC Prayer Ministry
The Priority, Privilege, Power, & Partnership of Prayer 


Prayer is our direct connection for intimacy with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. It is our two-way communication with Him that allows us to partner with Him through prayer, and through prayer, we become vessels that He uses to create meetings between heaven and earth. We become instruments and mouthpieces that declare and decree prayers, confessions, and professions that activate His will on earth as it is in Heaven. This is the power and authority of prayer that comes from partnership with God. We speak what needs to be spoken based fully on His written Word. We do this under the anointing and leading of His Holy Spirit. Speaking His truth out loud in prayer as a confession of our mouths activates our High Priest and Advocate, Jesus, to obtain righteous judgments and decrees on our behalf and on behalf of those for whom we pray. The power and partnership become the privilege of prayer. For these reasons, prayer is our priority. We hold in high regard John Wesley’s words, “God does nothing except in response to believing prayer.” And we pray! We pray big prayers in believing faith and expect big answers because we have a big God. We meet together to seek His face and His glory and to host His presence. Come and join us for prayer at Living Hope Church. 




The House of Prayer


The House of Prayer at Living Hope Church is a sacred place of God’s presence and is set aside and dedicated for prayer. Scheduled prayer times take place regularly at the House of Prayer, but the House of Prayer is also available for private use. Call 706-208-1003 for access and availability. 


Currently Scheduled Corporate Prayer Times in the House of Prayer: (all are welcome)

  • First Saturday of every month prayer is led by Robert and Juliet Sekandi, 11 AM to 1:30 PM

  • Wednesday night prayer group hosted by the LHC Prayer Team - 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM 

  • Wednesday noon prayer - 12:00 noon to 1:00 PM




The prayer requests received through this web page are prayed for by someone on our prayer team. The requests may also be sent to all our intercessory team members through our email prayer chain as we stand in the gap together through prayer for each person who submits a request.

The Story of the House of Prayer

"My house shall be a house of prayer for all nations... Isaiah 56:7

On May 1, 2016, our House of Prayer was dedicated in honor of the late Carolyn Dehring, a former atheist converted to Christ a few years before succumbing to her battle with cancer.  Her husband, Chris, did all the interior work to create a beautiful setting conducive to prayer. 

We have a high value for protecting our children, youth, women and all who are vulnerable.  Therefore, we are actively involved in Ministry Safe training for the prevention of sexual abuse and child safety.  For more information, go to:

Living Hope Church

2150 Lexington Rd., Athens, GA 30605
706-208-1003 |



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